June 17, 2008
Dajon Associates, Inc.
12 Dyatt Place Hackensack, NJ 07601
Attn: David Strauss
Dear David:
A good job should be commended. A great job has to be memorialized. This letter will address the latter situation, particularly your performance on the Stevenson Lumber project where, as the result of an ice buildup, this Insured's main structure was in imminent danger of collapse. The Town had already condemned the property and orders for demolition were in the process of being prepared.
You were able to implement an emergency shoring operation, which stabilized the structure and allowed the Engineers from Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. to develop an engineering solution which convinced the local Authorities to reverse their position on reconstruction. The conditions at the premises were uncommonly difficult and more than one attempt was made to undermine the project. You and Engineer, Glenn Rentschler, persisted in your combined and coordinated efforts and were able to flawlessly reconstruct the'Building, which so many considered a total loss.
It is our belief that your activities resulted in a savings of several million dollars and I know that I speak for Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company in extending their appreciation for a job well done. One seldom encounters this level of dedication and efficiency these days, so when we do, it's only proper to take the time to pass on an "atta boy" to those who deserve it.
It was a pleasure working with you. I hope I get an opportunity to work with you again at some future date.
Very truly yours,

CC: Pennsylvania Lumbermens William R. Steele
Wiss, Janney, Elstner President
550 W. Old Country Road Ste 202 Hicksville New York 11801 Phone 516 931-3500 Fax 516 931-3611
E-Mail SteeleAdjusters@Optonline.Net